SUMMER DESIGNER SERIES with Alex Sepkus - AUGUST 18-21, 2022

SUMMER DESIGNER SERIES with Alex Sepkus - AUGUST 18-21, 2022 Squash Blossom Vail
Please join us for our Summer Design Series featuring Alex Sepkus. Alex Sepkus is out! Or, as he might say, Alex Sepkus is also not so out. In a world full of designers scrambling to turn fine jewellery into an offshoot of the fashion industry -- and therefore, by nature, attuned to the fad (it‘s called the rag trade for a reason) -- Alex remains so focused he never feels the need to chase anything. Why should he? His picture is big, like a magnificent mosaic; the components comprise detailing so small he and his workforce require microscopes to execute it, which is only the first contradiction from this designer. Exclusive collection on view

18-20 AUGUST 2022

Alex Sepkus

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